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Ziming Chang

Automotive and Transport Design MA

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Get in touch with Ziming

Project M-MR (Artificial Intelligence Racing Design)

Project M-MR is a race car designed for Man-Machine Relay Racing in the future. Under the same racing frame, humans and robots can be alternately driven by replacing cockpit components, and the race can be completed together in the form of relay. With the blessing of artificial intelligence technology, racing cars can compete on their own, but after all a racing game that has lost human emotions is not what people want to see. This project considers how to balance the relationship between humans and robots and how future artificial intelligence racing will develop.

Sketch development and 2D rendering
Exteriors from different mode
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering
3D rendering

Ziming Chang

Automotive and Transport Design MA

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Project M-MR (Artificial Intelligence Racing Design)