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Reconnecting London to the River Thames

Research and investigation found that with the increase in population and social development, humans have gradually invaded the habitat of animals. With the extinction of some animals, the food web is destroyed, which has a greater impact on the ecosystem. For example, the disappearance of bees would make it difficult for plants to reproduce normally and make it difficult for birds and insects that feed on plants to survive. The species in the Thames also face this dilemma. It is an important fish migration corridor but due to human activities and infrastructure, it is difficult for Thames fish to reach freshwater areas, which makes it difficult for certain species to reach their habitats. Eels are endangered species. The project aims to help eels overcome the obstacles of the Thames. When the number of eels increase, they would feed on plankton and animal carcasses, which would help improve water quality. Birds who feed on eels would also be attracted here, which means that the Thames ecosystem might get benefits. At the same time, humans might be reintroduced to the Thames with more opportunities to get close to nature.

The increase in population has invaded the habitat of animals
Bring bees back to Coventry
Yellowstone Park makes the ecosystem better by introducing wolves
Difficulties encountered by eels migrating in the Thames
People like the riverside environment
The history and background of the Thames
Design concept and process
Design results

Subei Zhao

Architecture MArch

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Reconnecting London to the River Thames