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Front view of the exhibition space overlooking downtown Amman

The Corridor to the East project is a concept aiming to provide a tourist route through the city of Amman. The route spans from the affluent centre to the less fortunate east, bringing tourist footfall, encouraging further development and boosting the local economy. The design uses local materials and employs construction techniques relevant to its context. Visible from the bottom of the Roman Theatre, the design aims to not distract from the historic structure but instead blends into the background whist still catching the interest of passing tourists. A row of columns leads visitors through this first phase of the "Corridor to the East". This phase of the project occupies a previously disused "backlands" space and consists of 4 buildings with an outdoor market area in the centre. The market area is a space dedicated to locals with a skill they previously haven't had chance to share. For example a family may start a stall based on a historic craft passed down though generations that may have been forgotten by most in the area, but can now potentially receive global recognition.

View of project from the bottom of the existing tourist attract (Roman theater)
The exhibition space, for shows, hosting guests, lectures and events
Columns lead visitors though the store and to the market space
Inspired by the columns symbolising the grandeur of the roman theatre and guarding its entrance, here minimal columns simply guide visitors through the site, and morph into useful spaces making people and surrounds the centre of attention
The columns guide visitors through the store. This acts as an entry point to the project for locals who don't have time to maintain a stall all day. There products can be dropped off in the morning and sold whilst they are busy working or taking care or children
The Lecture space and kitchens allow for locals to teach there skill as well as hosting visiting lectures, Performers or Teachers
The typical market stall consists of a stone column with serving space covered by a canopy with one of a variety of uses such as harvesting solar energy or collecting rain water

Luke Bird

Architecture MArch

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Luke Bird

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Front view of the exhibition space overlooking downtown Amman